Lisa Wolschina

Lisa Wolschina
Broker, Realtor, Principal
Contact Information
224 Kings Highway East
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Office: 856.874.8980
Cell: 856.261.5202
Get to know Lisa.
I’ve always been a “people person” and I think that’s been the biggest reason for why I love real estate and the incredible success we’ve had with it. It began with my mom’s instructions to be nice to everyone.
I enjoyed sports and dance growing up because of the team spirit, and that’s something I still feel with my team now. I graduated from Princeton University with a BA in History, and went on to get my Masters in Education from Rutgers. From there, I became a teacher at HMHS. The best part about teaching was being with the kids. They’re so funny, so much more vulnerable than their disposition conveys, they really did want adults to help them and be on their side even if they couldn’t admit it. I always had a motherly approach with my students and many of them trusted me to help them with problems beyond their academics. I truly loved all 6 years of teaching.
After that, you say you thought there could be a better way to do real estate—one more personal, intuitive and thoughtful about how people live, what would most make them happy.
I started out 19 years ago on my own and started from scratch trying to find some clients. Not easy. At all :). I was so excited with my first closing, I almost cried. It is so much harder to navigate than people think. There’s just so much emotion, money and peoples’ lives connected to all real estate transactions.
Since then, you’ve seen your business grow at an incredibly successful rate.
Yes, true. I’ve always been a very hard worker and that paid off. Sounds cliche, but it really is true. I put in all the hours I could while juggling raising our children with my husband. I was always patient, and went above and beyond to make my clients feel satisfied with my customer service and knowledge of the market. Designing that experience was something I put a lot of thinking into and helped create the way we do real estate today. From there it led quickly to success as my first clients sent their relatives and friends to me and then it grew quickly from there.
What do you like best about real estate?
The greatest satisfaction still comes from helping people achieve what they want for themselves and their families. Helping them find a great place to live—then seeing them go about enjoying the life that comes from it. And then of course helping people sell their houses—there’s way more that goes into the strategy of it (and buying too, of course) that people don’t realize.
It really is the best feeling when sellers love their buyers, and the buyers love their sellers. Making a perfect match is so much fun. Very satisfying. Along the way, we’ve learned invaluable tips and advice that can make all the difference to both of them, especially in highly competitive market times. It’s turned into a way of doing business that people seem to really appreciate.
Your path has allowed you to create a great team of 9 people who have helped you to become the #1 Real Estate firm in Haddonfield for the past several years—something that not everyone is aware of.
Yes, it makes us incredibly proud to say we are, and have been, #1 in Haddonfield. Not just because of that designation, but what it means in terms of how much people trust us to help them. We take it very seriously.
You’re not just working in Haddonfield—the market is quite dynamic, and you seem to be helping more and more people move into Haddonfield, from other locales, like Philadelphia or Moorestown or otherwise, or to move out, to downsize, into neighboring communities—but also to buy or sell houses at the shore.
Absolutely. We specialize in South Jersey including the beaches and also work in Center City Phila. We love the diversity and it makes the days even more fun—it’s never a boring day for us.
The way you do business real estate is something you call the “Lisa Wolschina Way”—and your line for your company says “You are bringing out the best in real estate.”
It’s true we have a different way of doing business that people seem to really appreciate. And our job is not only to put forward the best houses and options for people buying and selling, but to elevate the entire experience itself. It’s a higher standard we’ve committed ourselves to and something we practice consistently with all of our clients. I always get up in the morning knowing I get to go to a great place with a great group of people who are my work family, including my sister, who is key to running the organization. We are all really lucky to have each other. Everyone on our team is honest, hardworking, smart and driven—all big components of the Wolschina Way :).